Ronald Phillips New York – Paying Maintenance to Your Spouse After Divorce 

New York is the last state in the USA to have enacted no-fault divorce for couples who wish to legally dissolve their marriage. When it enacted the No-Fault divorce law in 2010, it also passed a guideline for temporarily determining the presumptive award for maintenance to the spouse.

Ronald Phillips New York is an esteemed and widely respected divorce lawyer in the United States. He has invaluable experience of working in the legal industry for a long time. His areas of specialization include matters pertaining to domestic relations between couples, collaborative practice, resolution of disputes, trial practice in court, and legal writing. He is known for his potent entrepreneurship skills and completed his graduation from St. John’s University School of Law. Besides work, he loves and also has a keen interest in sports. 

The spouse pays the presumptive award for maintenance with a higher income. The court of law also has the discretion to adjust this presumptive award if it determines the amount to be inappropriate or unjust. According to Ronald Phillips New York, when it comes to the guidelines that pertain to the temporary awards for maintenance, they are not applicable for permanent maintenance. 

The distribution of assets between the parties to the divorce 

In New York, the assets that the parties jointly own to the divorce before marriage are equitably distributed between them. This means equitable distribution of assets means that the court will fairly divide the marital properties to both parties, and in most cases, it might not be 50/50. New York is not a 50/50 divorce state. The court of law will determine what is fair for both parties to make the decision. 

Separation for divorce 

The grounds for divorce in New York determine how long you need to be separated from your partner before filing a petition. If you are filing a divorce suit based on fault, the duration for separation depends upon the grounds. You should be separated from your husband/wife for at least a year for a no-fault divorce. 

How long does a divorce take?

When it comes to the question as to how long the divorce decree will take, it is case specific. Some cases are resolved in just some months, while others take time. A divorce case has many emotions and other family matters involved, so it is hard to say how long your divorce will take. 

Wrapping things up

According to Ronald Phillips New York, you should never rush with your divorce proceedings. It is important for you to look for an experienced and skilled lawyer to manage your case. The costs of the proceedings depend upon your case, as every suit is unique. You should hire a lawyer with good credentials and integrity in the industry for your divorce. Last but not least, always choose a lawyer with whom you will be comfortable.